Redeem Screening Kit

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Complimentary FIT kit will be given to Singaporeans and PRs, aged 50 years and older, residing in Singapore only.
If you are redeeming the kit for someone else, please kindly key in the particulars of the person you are redeeming for.
One kit is redeemable per person only.


(please indicate your company/organisation)

I am redeeming the code for myself
If no, please indicate your relationship with the person you are redeeming for:
NOTE / 请注意:
The kit tests for the presence of blood in the stool. A negative result does not necessarily mean that you do not have, or can never develop colorectal cancer. If your result is negative, you are recommended to repeat the test annually. In the meantime, if you discover any symptoms of cancer, please contact your doctor immediately.
此检查测试便血的存在。阴性结果并不代表您没有, 或者永远不会患大肠癌。如果您的测试是阴性,建议您每年重复测试。在此期间,如果您发现任何癌症的症状,应立即咨询医生。